CSR covers multiple issues: climate emergency, changes in society and consumption habits, increased regulation and multiple standards.
We help you decipher legal changes and their impact on your company, understand your competitors’ CSR positioning and the best practices in your sector, navigate the jungle of labels and standards, and raise awareness and commitment among your teams. Depending on your needs and to help you accelerate your CSR approach, we offer the following consulting services:

E.U. CSR related Regulatory analysis
Which CSR related E.U. regulation will impact your business ? What are your E.U. customers’ compliance requirements ? How to comply with due diligence and low carbon targets ?

CSR competition strategy analysis
What are the big environmental and social challenges in your sector? How to position yourself to stand out ? What are key best CSR practices in your field?

CSR market intelligence analysis
What are the big CSR trends in your business industry ? Which standard, guideline, certification, label shall you select ? What would be best options for your sustainable packaging strategy ?