Recent sanitary and Ukrainian crises have highlighted the vulnerabilities of supply chains and the strategic dimension of procurement for companies.
Sustainable procurement is a a major strategic lever for meeting these new challenges.
It allows your company to manage your environmental, social and societal risks throughout the supply chain, to enhance your CSR commitments, to promote product or service innovation and to create value thanks to trusted partnerships with your suppliers and service providers.
We help you understand and deploy the approach of sustainable procurement within your company

Training workshop
Duration : 1 day – 7h – face-to-face or distance learning
Participants: Purchasing and operation managers, buyers
Target : Understand the challenges of sustainable procurement, its principles, standards, labels, benchmarks and tools to structure its approach.

Sustainable procurement implementation
We accompany you at each step of the process:
- Diagnosis of the maturity of your purchasing practices,
- Understanding of your impacts and prioritization of the stakes,
- Definition of the strategy according to the priority issues and building the roadmap with your teams.